Monday, November 29, 2010


DISCLAIMER: Before you get your hopes up, no, this post is not about Faith No More. Sorry to disappoint.

The word "Epic" is one that seems to get flung around these days with wild abandon. An ice cream sundae, a weekend trip to Grandma's house, a fanny pack--I've heard all these things and more described as "epic". Now I'm all for using the word when it's appropriate, but come on; a fanny pack? I don't think even God Clapton the FSM himself could fashion a fanny pack that could ever be described as "epic".

However, if you're looking for something truly epic, look no further--the following has been certified to contain 200% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin E (the E stands for "epic", in case you haven't been following along at home), along with being a significant source of majestic and awesome as well. On a related note, I'm becoming more and more convinced that this is objectively the greatest song ever written:

Damn! What a rock star! And how does he make it look so easy?

Also, check out the chops on the concertmaster. Ol' Grizzly McFiddlepants is looking so damn grizzly.

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